Setting Up Development Environment


April 25, 2023

For Mac

  1. Install VS-Code from here.
  2. Set up VS-Code according to your need.
  3. Install Quarto extension in VS-Code.
  4. Download Quarto from here.
  5. Verify the download installer by running ls -l ~/Downloads/quarto* in terminal.
  6. Enter sudo installer -pkg ~/Downloads/quarto in terminal and press TAB. Then write -target / then press Enter/Return.
  7. To verify the installation, run quarto in the terminal and check for any error.
  8. Download and install Anaconda from here.

For Windows

  1. Install VS-Code
  2. Install Git and connect/configure with GitHub along with VS-Code
  3. Install Quarto in the system and Quarto extension in VS-Code
  4. Create a new repository in GitHub
  5. Create a new project in Quarto
  6. Create proper “_quarto.yml”, “index.qmd” files
  7. Render the files and push to GitHub
  8. Configure GitHub pages to publish the website

For Linux

  1. Install “Windows Subsystem for Linux” (WSL) from Microsoft Store
  2. Install “Ubuntu” as distributor
  3. If “WslRegisterDistribution failed with error: 0x80370114” error comes, refer to this
  4. Install Quarto in the Linux system and Quarto extension in VS-Code
  5. Run command wget in the Linux command Line Interface (CLI)
  6. Run command sudo dpkg -i quarto-1.3.340-linux-amd64.deb in the Linux Command Line Interface (CLI)
  7. Run command sudo apt-get install -f in the Linux command Line Interface (CLI)
  8. Run command quarto in the Linux command Line Interface (CLI) to check if Quarto is installed properly
  9. Install Anaconda in the Linux system
  10. Run command wget in the Linux command Line Interface (CLI)
  11. Run command bash in the Linux command Line Interface (CLI)
  12. Run command ipython in the Linux command Line Interface (CLI) to check if Anaconda is installed properly
  13. Connect/configure with GitHub
  14. Go to to generate a new token and save it. It’ll be useful later
  15. Clone the repository
  16. Run command git clone in the Linux command Line Interface (CLI)
  17. Enter “username” and the “token” generated in the previous step